‘Edit Dashboard’

Step 1: ‘Edit Dashboard’ > ‘Edit Dashboard’ – the following screen will load whereby you can edit the dashboard name, give a brief description, alter the dashboard style and amend table rows and dashboard type.

Step 2: When you are happy with your selection, press the blue ‘confirm’ button to save these changes.

‘Edit Widget Colours’

Step 1: ‘Edit Dashboard’ > ‘Edit Widget Colours’ – the following screen will load whereby you can change the colour of your widget. (This may perhaps be helpful if you have a number of dashboards to differentiate between.) 

Step 2: Using the plus button and the paintbrush icon you can select a custom colour for your dashboard. 

Step 3: Clicking the blue ‘save colours’ icon will save your preferences.

‘Share dashboard’

Step 1: ‘Edit Dashboard’ > ‘Share Dashboard’- the following screen will load whereby you can share any dashboard you have created. 

Step 2: You have the ability to share to a company user, via email address or to your suppliers, as well as select the share type of the dashboard as ‘view only’ or ‘editable’. It is also optional to add a message and enable an email notification for the recipient. 

Step 3: Select the blue ‘share’ button.

‘Duplicate Dashboard’

Step 1: ‘Edit Dashboard’ > ‘Duplicate Dashboard’ – The following screen will load where you can rename the duplicate of your dashboard you wish you copy.

Step 2: Select the blue ‘duplicate’ button.

Step 3: This new copy will now appear as a new dashboard under ‘more’ on your FC Home page.

‘Export Dashboard to PDF’

Step 1: ‘Edit Dashboard’ > ‘Export Dashboard to PDF’ allows you to download your dashboard in PDF format.


‘Set as default dashboard’ 

Step 1: ‘Edit Dashboard’ > ‘Set as Default Dashboard’ 


‘Re-order Dashboards’

Step 1:Edit Dashboard’ > ‘Re-order Dashboards’